コレクション: 木内酒造
味に力、旨さに華、こころゆさぶる酒たち。世界で一番売れている日本のクラフトビール「常陸野ネストビール」をはじめ、「清酒 菊盛」の数々、2009年梅酒日本一に輝いた「木内梅酒」を醸造している蔵元です。
Kiuchi Shuzo creates Japans top selling Japanese craft beer, the “Nesto Beer” and they also make the great sake, “Kikusakari”. Kikusakari is also the name of the sake rice that is grown in their fertile rice fields. Their sake has been awarded the gold medal many times in the Japanese sake competitions. Kiuchi’s sake is special sake that the Japanese want to treasure and keep sacred long into the future..
Our brand “KikuSakari” was named by Toko Fujita. He was the best friend of our brewery founder “Kiuchi Gihee”.
Since 1823 (established), We have been brewing no fake Sake. We always think it’s the most important thing about Brewing Sake to choose great Water and Rice.
And we also try new methods of brewing by younger brewery workers.
So Our Sake will continue to develop in the future too.